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Comment Roundup

Nateland | Episode 155 - Names

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Nateland | Episode 155 - Names

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Nateland | Episode 155 - Names

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Nateland | Episode 155 - Names

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Nateland | Episode 155 - Names

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Nateland | Episode 155 - Names

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Nateland | Episode 155 - Names

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Nateland | Episode 155 - Names

Comment 155-08

Books Mentioned

Born to Run: A listener who works at a specialty running shoe store mentions the book

Book that helped Nate Bargatze to stop drinking

Comedy Specials/Movies/TV Shows/Podcasts/Radio Shows

Shaw Shank Redemption

The Village: Nate mentions this M. Night Shyamalan movie, suggesting that Dusty would like to live in a similar community-oriented environment.
Vertical Limit: Nate discusses a movie he watched called “Vertical Limit,” which features actors like Chris O’Donnell and Bill Paxton. The movie is about a group of climbers attempting to summit K2, the second highest mountain in the world.



Mike James

Jason Day

Hanna Slay (Dusty Slay Wife)

Aaron: The hosts discuss Aaron, Moses’ brother, who spoke for Moses due to Moses’ speech impediment. The name Aaron means “exalted” or “strong.”
Adam Fox, Erik Karlsson, and Cale Makar: These are the finalists for the James Norris Memorial Trophy that Nate is presenting. They are all professional ice hockey defensemen.
Alex, Jesse: The hosts mention these names as examples of names that could be given to either a boy or a girl.
Bartholomew: The hosts discuss how Nathaniel is thought to be the same person as Bartholomew in the Bible.
Bill Paxton: The hosts discuss actor Bill Paxton’s role in the movie “Vertical Limit.”
Dale Jr: Nate mentions meeting Dale Earnhardt Jr., a retired professional stock car racing driver and team owner, at the Nascar event.
Jason Day: Dusty mentions Jason Day, a professional golfer who had to pull out of events due to vertigo. This is used to illustrate how debilitating vertigo can be.
Jesus Christ: The hosts discuss how in some states in the U.S., you can’t name your child Jesus Christ, but you can name your child Jesus.
John Wayne: The hosts discuss the nickname “The Duke” used by John Wayne, an American film actor famous for his roles in Westerns.
Michael Jordan: A listener shares a story about delivering Chick-fil-A to Michael Jordan through DoorDash. The listener mentions that the tip was not great, but it was cool to see Jordan’s house and the surrounding golf course.
Moses: The hosts discuss Moses, who had a speech impediment and asked God to let his brother Aaron speak for him.


Comedy Clubs / Theaters / Arenas


Albania: The hosts discuss a situation that ended badly, referring to it as “upside down in Albania.”
Australia: A listener named Daryl comments on the laws in Australia that prohibit naming children after royal titles, such as Duke, Duchess, Prince, Princess, Queen, or King.
Cumberland University: This university is mentioned in relation to Rick Bell, who is a professor there.
Iceland: The hosts discuss how in Iceland, children’s last names are based on their father’s first name with “son” or “daughter” added to the end.
Illinois: The hosts discuss how in Illinois, you can name your child Seven, written out as a word rather than a numeral.
India: The hosts discuss the tradition that Nathaniel carried a translation of Matthew’s gospel to Northern India.
Kroger: Dusty mentions going to Kroger, a supermarket chain, to pick up snacks while his wife was in labor at the hospital.
Music City Center: The hosts discuss a past event at the Music City Center where they performed under challenging conditions.
Chick-fil-A: A listener shares a story about delivering Chick-fil-A to Michael Jordan. The order included two spicy chicken sandwiches and a waffle fry.
DoorDash: A listener shares a story about delivering food to Michael Jordan through DoorDash. The hosts discuss the expectations around tipping for delivery services like DoorDash.
Panera: Brian Bates, one of the podcast hosts, brought Dusty food from Panera, a chain of bakery-café fast casual restaurants in the United States and Canada.


Turf Toe



Full Transcript




thank you today’s episode of the Nate land podcast


is brought to you by hellofresh Helix and Rocket money


uh hello folks and hey bear welcome to the nateland podcast I’m Nate brigazzi


Brian Bates Aaron Weber Dusty sleigh all right and a new baby


new baby yeah I had vertigo last week but I’m back I’m still spending a bit but I’m here I feel good I felt like I


woke up on Sunday and I was like maybe the Earth is spinning yeah that’s what


it took I could feel it I was like the government is our friend trust the doctors and I I was like that’s how we


feel all the time yeah it’s like wow science is real and uh it felt good did


uh yeah we did not say that you had vertical no you know I don’t ever know to put out oh I don’t know what your you


know what you want the government to know about yeah you know about and we didn’t know if you you know did they


need to know you were weak at the moment well I think I was maybe targeted with 5G I mean that’s true you know what I


mean that’s true Mike James filled in with a broken toe oh yeah wow you know I have a hurt toe as well oh wow it’s a


chair so like maybe getting vertigo soon did uh is vertigo you just feel like you


can’t stand yeah it’s like it’s like when you look at something it’s like it moves and then adjusts and then moves


and then adjusts and then and you just can’t I got so dizzy I threw up yeah uh


Sunday I could not even get up for most of the day and do you like uh can you watch TV or


anything or you gotta just like oh you just want your eyes to be closed yeah and we did a there’s a maneuver that you


could do and I went to the chiropractor today yeah he’s hooking it up I would be never in a million years would think


that’s where you would go for vertigo yeah as a chiropractor like that well I


mean that’s unreal they are the guys that’s the vertigo guys didn’t know that


because conspiracy theorists don’t go to doctors chiropractors they hook you up with every guy yeah so chiropractors is


they’re like uh they’re like a sage is it like you go to just a chiropractor like does the world know like if you got


vertigo go to a cardboard some people will go to a doctor and get medicine yeah and suffer with vertigo their whole


life yeah other people go to the chiropractor and he adjusts the head and yeah the the deeper you get into vertigo


the crazier it sounds yeah but apparently there’s crystals in the ear


canal it that that can get this lodged and they and it it throws off your


equilibrium so there’s a maneuver you can do that’s supposed to get slowly work those back into place well


uh Jason day had it uh as the golfer and uh he had to pull out of events and uh


in a major championship and it was it was a crazy thing because it seems it’s like when you hear it you’re like


what you were dizzy yeah you’re dizzy you lose it just and but it’s he


couldn’t he was on the golf course you have to sit down and he just do it yeah yeah it’s crazy I mean that’s like turf


toe uh no it’s not like her but it’s kind of like you hear athletes get turf toe and they can’t play and you’re like


your toe hurts and then you’re like it’s probably the worst thing you could like you can’t move or like a quarterback


will be out because they like their pinky fingers broken yeah oh you’re like yeah man you can’t and then you’re like


well that’s the main yeah football yeah well then you injure your toe in the bathroom


well I was moving a recliner TMZ over here yeah know that tell them what really happened


I was moving a recliner and then into the bathroom and I drugged the part over


my toe and it like sliced my toenail was bleeding and then I like was got that healed up right and I was using the


bathroom and I was you know on my phone and as I got up I set the phone on the


toilet paper dispenser and it started to fall in the toilet and I swatted it midair so it didn’t go in the toilet but


it landed straight on the toe it wasn’t it’s not the big toe it’s a random


little toe in there show the video right right down on it bleeding again uh it


was a real mess and then I got vertigo and there’s nothing like a little vertigo to take your mind off your toe


I’ll tell you that did you save the the phone oh yeah oh yeah it’s nice and dry yeah worth it yeah it was worth it I


just got a new phone at least you uh brought a baby into this world uh well that’s a thing like the baby just


doesn’t know it’s dead was a mess yeah I had vertigo all day on Monday I was


still shaky later that day my wife goes into labor so I drive my wife to the hospital


post vertigo yeah but he had a very seinfeldish day I would say yeah and


that you made a couple pit stops and well after you dropped her off you went out for snacks yeah my wife was just


laying there there’s nothing I can do for her so I was like I gotta go get some stuff out of the car and then I


could see Kroger in the distance so I thought well I’ll go pick up some snacks here yeah I’m gonna be here a while yeah


they’ll feed her not me so I went and got some you know a bag of popcorn and it was funny that it ended up being


popcorn because as I I told my wife I go you mind if I munch on some popcorn over here she goes this is just a show for


you right here you’re just gonna sit in the corner and walk yeah I’m trying to make jokes with the nurse they probably


got popcorn in my beard


Hannah said it one time during her labor pain she’s in so much pain and Dusty goes huh the Wichita Funny Bone closed


she’s like could you focus well that was sad news excuse me yeah Looney bins are going


away yeah we’re only down to two now oh sorry every time you bring a kid into this world yeah


specific Dusty’s kids yeah yeah uh that’s awesome man congratulations


thank you did you say the name of the baby yeah we went with Samuel Samuel we like the we like the uh sound of Sam


slay we think I like Sam slay and also in the Bible Hannah that’s my wife’s name Gibb’s birth to Samuel and I


thought that was fun yeah that is good yeah I really like Samuel yeah is that one of the names we had no we didn’t


talk about it at all the original the four listing is number four yeah okay they got the least amount of votes but


we didn’t have a name until he was born yeah Samsung I I really do like Sam slay that’s a


good name I just couldn’t bring myself to tell


people that my I couldn’t bring myself to name my son Duke I wanted to but I


just it felt like more for me than for him and here’s the fun thing you can still


call him Duke yeah yeah John Wayne call him whatever you want it’s uh yeah it’s


alarming Duke can be alarming yeah when it’s like Dusty it’s like almost like it doesn’t let up yes you know what’s your


daughter’s name Daisy Daisy yeah so it does like Dusty Hannah daisy duke it


would be like someone’s like I don’t they might get vertigo they’re just like oh yes this was like Sam and they’re


like oh it’s a nice American Family yeah we got yeah and then their wife’s Canadian they go wait a second but now


an American citizen she just took her now she is she is here yeah she’s one of us Sam born from just an American Family


exactly yeah that’s true yeah but was does Daisy get any like because her mom


was still uh I don’t know I think she can apply for dual citizenship that’d be


interesting is like does Daisy have to go through a lot more headache than and then Sam’s gonna be like I mean I’m just


rocking and rolling our Daisy can travel


she’s got a passport already yeah because we went to Canada with her yeah okay I got a passport for the first time


at like 26. my daughter already has one yeah I didn’t get on a plane until about


  1. yeah I got one late too yeah well I think you just travel more now it’s like


it’s it’s uh uh you didn’t take planes back then you


had it it was you had to call the airport yeah it was a whole thing so it wasn’t now you can book one on your


phone I can book one in under a minute yeah you can book a flight it’s crazy so like it’s just a lot more attainable


than it was back then yeah I mean I was booking flights in the hospital I was just hanging I was like I got


nothing going on here yeah there’s really nothing I mean it seems funny but it’s like my wife’s in pain she doesn’t


want me over there going you okay you okay how’s it going so it’s better if I just do my own thing yeah right


yeah the other thing I’ll tell on Dusty is he had a as a meal train for people to deliver meals and he shared it on all


his social media for the whole world to see his address and phone number oh I had no idea all that info was in there


yeah we were just like well not a lot of people have signed up I mean we’re fine but not a lot of people had signed up but Hannah was like we were talking


we’re like why not just share it on social media see what happens so we did and then someone messages me


like an hour later maybe don’t share your home address yeah I go well that’s a that’s good thinking yeah did you take


it down yeah yeah did you get any meal what does that do well people will sign up and then bring us food they drive it


to you yeah Brian brought me some food yesterday oh yeah what did you did you make something yeah what do you cook no


I uh stopped and I asked him what he wanted he said whatever Panera [Music]


yeah oh our little daughters hung out yesterday yeah it’s fun that’s fun yeah got him some


Ben and Jerry’s ice cream yeah yeah you know about doordash


yeah actually Aaron got me uh got me some GrubHub oh yeah he was willing to


drive no see this is I’m all about individual Choice personal freedom so I


said why don’t you make your own choice you get your own food I’m not gonna show up at your house and bother you after you have a kid you know what I mean and


you pay for it is that what it is like you just say it’s just a gift card yeah yeah and then


you can you can use whatever you want yeah that’s nice yeah so you know and my sister’s been up all week my sister’s


like a professional mom and she has been knocking it out I mean we’ve got the house is cleaned you got we got she


cooked all these soups and froze it and we got meals for weeks now I mean we’re


gonna we’re sad yeah well I didn’t know that when I was bringing that food over well we didn’t know she was going to be


doing that you guys very scraping by yeah like this poor mail train yeah only last


well you know what though uh we tore that up yesterday it was so good oh good yeah we tore it up Daisy appreciated it


so that did not bring anything yeah that’s the bottom line that’s why I wouldn’t even bring up the story yeah no


it’s uh we’ve been blessed it’s been great yeah I’ve been saying blast a lot


lately yeah I’m like an old lady now you would like to get you know that movie The Village I watched over the in night


in uh Shyamalan uh it’s great it is a good movie yeah how many movies you’re


gonna watch before you watch Shawshank you’re just I got another one I want to talk about today okay but it’s and it’s not that uh but that’s how you would


like to live in that like it’s a village but it’s a village where it’s like you want


is a major spoiler by the way it’s almost like the Amish yeah yeah yes that


is a major spoiler yeah what did I say it was a village


they give that away in the title yeah yeah yeah that’s not they they live in a village


they’re all like but it’s like they help each other it’s like you want like you’re a person that likes that like you like the mill train is part of that like


yeah you know everybody comes over Community yeah we all live and farm together yeah yeah yeah and you also put


that pressure on your fans yeah that are just trying to enjoy your comments to go will you also bring me food exactly yeah


I’m trying to get it yeah that’s what this comment is always yeah yeah I’m not


really into comedy someone’s just like you know that comic I randomly found I gotta go drive him some KFC this weekend


a lady did a a fan did bring me some food oh yeah yeah we had no idea who she


was that’s nice yeah she signed up I met her enough I did actually my specific address number was not on there so you


could figure out the street but not the not the house yeah they could probably


just look for the fence that’s yeah wrong yeah the only fence that’s wrong and then they’re then they narrowed it


down well you know but you know I I’m I’m not too confident everybody can narrow things down these days I know but


if they go you’re the only fence in the neighbor you’re like you’re I mean I’ll be out there barefooted in the front


yard yeah there’s a lot of them just drive down the street and go who looks


like the problem yeah and then go that’s Dusty like I asked Ruth yesterday so which one of these do you think’s Dusty’s house yeah it’s that one yeah


well what what pointed it out to her all right I just realized the tinfoil on the


roof yeah that’s all in the backyard I’ve been to all your houses


painted blow house is black it’s got that 5G on the outside of it I looked up some 5G paint the other day yeah it’s


very expensive it’s dark yeah colored right yeah yeah it doesn’t look like it’s good you almost got to put it down


as a base coat yeah and then paint whatever color you want over it several coats of primer to cover yeah well you


did have some random copper wire kind of sticking out of the ground well that’s the electro culture that I’m into oh


have I talked about that on here I don’t think so okay but that’s maybe one tip for Ruth well yeah I mean that’s the you


know Electro that’s where you got the copper wires that you make these antennas that’s supposed to be collecting energy from from the


atmosphere to bring it down into the garden yeah I’m trying oh that’s into your actual Garden yeah yeah no copper


wire goes down it runs into the ground and then it supposed to I mean the garden looks good yeah yeah I don’t know


I mean it could be the year it could be the water and sunlight yeah it looks good this year everything


uh uh I’d imagine for Hannah it’s a you’re a lot yeah and like everything’s


gonna we have a garden and then she’s got to be like we also have copper wire coming out of


there you know it’s everything’s gonna be one extra thing yeah she gets a normal life but then also has to go well


we also you know well that’s a great thing about this podcast see I put it all out there so everybody knows yeah


that is when they meet Hannah they already know yeah they say bless her heart yeah yeah exactly yeah I really


I’ve been all all your your houses numerous times and none of you have been to mine


my wife came to here when have you been to my house I’ve picked you up and take new places when your car wasn’t Running


Oh I went to your house a ton though with your apartment back in the old days yeah yeah we always I get everybody gets


when we had to zero on the road when we were shooting your yeah four times a week shooting auditions


yeah I can’t recall an invite from you yeah neither can I well all of you are welcome yeah so I’ll see you tomorrow


all right now I came over and you helped me with some Adobe oh that’s right I remember that now yeah okay sorry I


forgot about that it’s all right it’s all right you uh we’re doing a big race this weekend huh


so yeah so I had uh I went and did uh it was the pace car

Nate’s Nascar experience and the NHL awards


it’s supposed to be driver so when they they asked me to do this the pace car driver uh I was like well they’re not


gonna let me drive like it you know you’re like it’s 2023 like they’re not letting people just drive the pace car


in front of these cars that are worth millions of dollars uh but you were I


was going to get to which is insane and uh but but you have to get certified so


you they like you got it like at 130 I’m supposed to get there and I got to go drive around the track a few times to like so they can be like all right


you’re good you got it and there was lightning so every time there’s lightning and then it was like I was gonna get to do it and then there was


one another strike lightning so then I just never got to get certified so I was just a rider in the pace car which is


what I thought I was gonna be doing but now I’m like well I’d like to come back and yeah drive this car it’s so insane


driving it the pace car and those cars are behind you I mean they’re Rochester who won the race he is directly behind


us and uh in the pace car and he look how close he gets he gets I mean dude in


this car you’re seeing them do that turn it it’s how fast are you going only like 45 50. we’re not going fast okay but it


feels like you’re going fast yeah uh and then those I mean they’re just right there dude like it’s it’s and they’re


just so it’s loud and they’re they’re like you get like a little sense of like


what it would be out there just like this is crazy man and uh it was uh


awesome awesome uh experience and going to a live races


uh really really fun yeah like going to the NASCAR races uh it’s when you hear


the cars start and they’re going it’s just like it’s very like man this is


exciting stuff yeah and then uh I met Dale Jr that’s awesome insane I was back


there waiting to go get in the pace car and then I mean he came up to me and uh


like I mean I was like Laura was like you know couldn’t none of we just got kind of in shock and then uh uh he was


very nice and uh it was like super cool to meet it like I mean you know I mean


I’m such a big fan of him uh obviously yeah uh and then he he know you’re I


don’t know is it yeah I’m doing a gig for yeah yeah he told me that yeah so


yeah he said we got Dusty doing a uh uh a charity thing that’s very exciting


yeah that’s how I get the rest of my family to know I’ve uh made success yeah yeah he was pumped about it uh


and so it was uh yeah that was that was crazy to get to do that and the whole day was yeah it’s yeah


NASCAR’s so fun that’s crazy and I don’t get into it as much as I used to but I’ve been to Bristol uh and and you can


see the whole track the whole time because it’s such a smart it’s it’s wild yeah I would like to go to Bristol yeah


uh it would be uh when we went to all the all the kids


uh because of my buddies went and then my parents and then uh so all the kids


the girls picked Ross Chastain uh I think is that his name yeah I think it’s


his name and then uh he they picked him at the beginning he was the pole Setter


so he was the one the car that got real close to me and they picked him because uh you know they don’t know that he’s a


poll Setter but someone just goes if he wins he throws a watermelon on the ground so then all the girls are like


well that’s our guy yeah and so they’re they they picked him to win we got


shirts uh with a watermelon on it and then he wins and uh Justin Smith our


buddy Justin Smith his girlfriend uh is they went to high school with him wow and so it’s uh


they’re all very proud of him and everything he’s doing I mean he’s killing it and it was uh yeah the whole


thing was awesome dude any idea why he throws a watermelon he’s from a watermelon Farm okay so that’s the and


then he throws it on the ground then he eats it and he eats it like he took like one thing of it where you’re like Ah


that’s for show and then he picks up another part and eats again you’re like I mean this guy’s eating this water he’s getting after it like he’s like he loves


watermelon that’s his way of being like I don’t have to work on a farm anymore yeah we can afford now yeah to just waste


watermelon yeah uh so yeah though the whole thing was uh


uh was awesome and we got to go and Old Dominion was there and so uh I guess see


them it’s a band no but I I do like them a lot and uh so it was fun to see them


and uh the busting and the boys uh Taylor Juan and wilcom and they were there and so uh it was you know it was


like a fun it’s like a fun day a lot of stuff a lot of you know all the kids love this Titans were there I saw yeah I


didn’t see them well I think I saw the now that I saw a picture of him and then I saw that they were there I was like oh


I might have seen him standing there at one point I didn’t realize who it was but what more do you have left to do in


Nashville uh you know governor no no no no


uh he skips mayor goes to the state yeah I


bet the mayor Lebanon oh he did yeah I met him did he know Brian yeah I told him like I think he knew you


like he needed to know you a new uh everything but I’d like to talk to him for a second he was very nice


I don’t know is it Philip Craighead uh oh Rick Bell yeah yeah because he worked


yeah he was a professor at Cumberland University and my sister took when she went there for a second she took a class


with him and then her husband uh is works at that school and so he was there when he first got hired so we just it


knew a lot of the same people and then uh uh super nice guy yeah it was cool


and then uh yeah yeah I don’t know I mean there would be uh I don’t know what


there is to do you know have you done the coin toss at a Titans game or something like that no like


being 12th man would be cool 12th man would be good you wrote out on the Chariot but yeah but 12th man yeah being


12th man would be good and then uh what does that mean to be the 12th man you’re one of the more important men


and all right yeah yeah you’re better than 13. yeah the 13th man is he would


kill to be in your position okay and you know that and that’s why you stay at the 12th so the it’s 11 football players on


the field and so you’re the 12th man so you represent the The Crowd Oh okay it’s like an honor I’ve heard the audience


being the 12th man yeah but so oh so you just represent the crop yeah and you go


and do you go out there and you take a big sword and stab it in the ground yeah


everybody goes in yeah yeah it’s fun all right I like that yeah it’s very cool and so yeah to B12 man you can leave


Vandy out on the field yeah yeah I’ve never got to do that leave Randy out I like that uh it gets hard when like


because we tour when all this stuff is happening so it’s like I’m just never here uh


so when you get asked to do stuff you just are now busy you could present at the NHL hockey Awards yeah I’m doing


that tonight uh tonight I’m presenting at the NHL hockey Awards I believe it’s


on TNT uh I actually have uh what I gotta say


and I’m going to just do it because this because it’ll be out I hope this comes out


tomorrow I it’s probably live right yeah I think it airs tonight yeah so I can read this now but they wrote they wrote


this so I got to read this on the give it a run thank you someone get a run through and see uh how it uh sounds what’s up Nashville


they got question mark and apostrophe and so you’re presenting by yourself yeah okay I like to do it that way too


that it’s like it shows you’re excited yeah it’s obviously a question but you’re not really yeah it’s both what’s up Nashville yeah yeah I’m presenting


the James Norris Memorial trophy for top defenseman


they wrote this joke and I think I read it quickly I think I’m on board this person wrote a joke I’m pretty impressed


with okay personally I’ve never defended anything in my life especially myself if


someone wanted to fight me on the ice I’d pull my own Jersey over my head to save time I’d rather help you I’d rather help you


so I can get in the Penalty Box quicker where it’s safe if the refs gives me five minutes maybe I’m maybe I’m talking


up to 10 or just kick me out so I can go to the locker room and shower off my tears and I’d never get in front of 100


mile per hour shot even if my wife was the goalie I’d be hiding behind her like you got the pads babe I’ll be the big


spoon that’s just me so here are your finalists it’s pretty good all right it’s pretty good that’s pretty good it’s


not bad I can probably uh naded up a little bit Yeah and then uh


sort of top defenseman yeah uh I’ve never defended anything in my life uh


you know if someone like if I had to get a fight on the ice I I would I would pull my own Jersey over my head


uh uh and then uh let me see I’d really help me so I’m getting the infinity box


quicker where I’d say I like I would just put my own Jersey head and just go right to the pillow box


and the refs like you got five minutes I’m like just give me 10 minutes I always thought too I like that yeah


I’m like just give me 10 minutes yeah give me 10 minutes you know what I’ll I’ll leave I would that’s how terrifying


hockey is I would think anytime I got kicked out of the game I would be like all right like now I would just be like


the relief yeah you know just to be like I don’t got to be out there the rest of the day all right I’ll take it uh it is


terrifying though yeah to think that you like to just be able to skate yeah it


would be amazing but then you’re also could get shoulder blocked so here are your finals checked yeah so


yeah I might be I gotta say the whole I guess I could I might type it out I’m presenting the yeah personally I’ve


never defended anything in my life uh especially my wife


and here are the finalists I could do my joke about defending uh my old joke like


we have a gun and I don’t remember the joke but sleeps on their bed uh personally I


never defend anything in my life especially myself uh you’re like oh


you could do the one about my wife’s asked me if I take a bullet for me yeah yeah that’s what I mean yeah that


joke but like a third time home Intruder yeah I thought oh well that’s what it is


right taking the bullets I think about the one with the switchblade and yeah I thought they were two different jokes yeah I don’t know they’re all blurred


together if someone would fight me on the ice to pull my own Jersey over my head uh get right to the chase yeah and


someone would fight me on the ice I’d cut right to the Chase and pull my own Jersey over my head I’d rather help you so I can get in the Penalty Box quicker


where it’s safe see I don’t know if I’ve never defended anything in my life person like that’s


the part I don’t yeah but it seemed to go I’m presently James Norris Memorial


trophy for top defenseman uh I’m not a defenseman uh I’m someone wanted to


fight me on the I said pull my own Jersey overhead and save time that’s like better right yeah a little right to


it I don’t know if I like if someone wanted to fight me on the ice I would uh I’m with you I would just not fight


I would ask them yeah if someone wanted to fight me on the ice I would say I do not want to fight


I would say that that’s funny right just to say yeah I do not he goes let’s fight I go I’m do not want


to fight I just yell that


can you yell that you know just in my mask I just yes I know I lifted I do not


want to fight no thank you and then the Reps like we gotta go in the building box for five minutes you go I’ll just do


10 minutes and I’ll be honest you I’m fine with just leaving the game yeah I don’t know how I made it this far


uh and being a goalie you’re like are you out of your mind that puck is so


fast that’s crazy and you have all the stuff I was a catcher once all right here are


your finalists uh uh a little something like that it’s getting better every time yeah that’s


getting better a little choppy a little a little natey a little natey all right all right yeah be a mix of that


Adam Fox New York Rangers uh Eric Carl Carlson Eric Carlson San Jose Sharks cow


oh boy my car uh kale it’s it’s c-a-l-e but it’s


pronounced k-a-y-l okay kale kale kale mccar


Colorado it sounds like they just confused the pronunciation it’s like that’s how I’d say it anyway yeah


I’ll be honest with you I kind of hope Adam Fox wins him just going off the name Jeff I hope


they they’re all winners Carlson that’s not that bad kale Makar Colorado Avalanche


um who’s gonna win then I do it I don’t have the winner no I don’t uh


uh then the James Norris Memorial Trophy goes to read Winner’s name winner walks up uh


they don’t give me the Hillary you say it all uh announce yeah I gotta keep going winner graphic go winner


acceptance winner playoff prisoner that’s all exit [Laughter]


and then I keep going what’s up Nashville I’m presenting the James Norris Memorial


trophy all right it’s exciting stuff man I’m uh top for top top defenseman I’ve


never been a defenseman for anything I don’t defend anything if someone want to front me on the ice I


would ask why am I even on this ice that’s not that good right


uh if someone wanted to fight me on the ice I would say I do not want to fight


especially on this ice that’s pretty good just be very direct


with them yeah I mean those hockey Fighters is like what if they did that y’all just start fighting just what if


someone goes I would like I don’t think we I don’t want to fight and I’m not a defenseman


of my own self yeah yeah


well then I would be exciting yeah right at you


yeah graph because we’ll just go to the Penalty Box couldn’t would love to go


back I go how great is the penalty box that’s that’s like the Penalty Box has


got to be just a nice relief you’ve just been in a fight and you’re just


I always think because you know when the clock’s counting down in the penalty as soon as it hits zero they open that door


and that guy shoots out yeah if it were me I wouldn’t have my pads ready my stick would be over there oh it would be


15 seconds after it’s over and I’d still be gathering almost the doors locked and they’re like we can’t get the building my my dream would be they can’t get the


building box open and they go you got to just stay in there and I go all right man I’m so mad I can’t get in there and


then I would say I didn’t get you know I couldn’t get back in uh you go get uh get you go take a


shower early no one’s in there that’s nice your shirt’s already off sure yeah they


already yanked your jersey off you don’t think I’d want to start a fight just to get them to help yeah


it’d be hard to get that Jersey off with all those pads once the Jersey goes in your head that’s tough to it’s tough to


come back you know once someone gets a jersey overhead it’s that’s a tough one that’s


yeah it’s hard to get past that yeah all right all right we’ll see how it goes tonight


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a good deal that’s a good deal that’s like the old Columbia music house when you can get 15 CDs for a penny whoa


that’s a good deal never heard of that uh uh I I wanted to I put I had notes in


here for this podcast oh wow because I wrote uh watched a movie last night the


village yeah different one yeah that was a different that’s a different thing I don’t know if you’re all trying to say


something or is it just I’ll let you I mean I had I had a scenario I was go for


a while but we can do this and then uh okay


[Applause] yeah yeah look I’m just trying to bring


some entertainment to this show uh

Member/Guest golf tournament and Nate’s movie review


podcast stuff I put it in uh what is oh I did a member guest this weekend too uh


so uh you did what a member guest so the course I’m a member at


um every every like private course has a member guest tournament so you to the member brings a guest and you play yeah


and so we made it to we finished second place overall first so there’s flights so if there’s like


uh you know like six teams are in a flight and then you kind of get paired


up and then if you win your flight you go to a shootout and when you go to the shootout everybody that didn’t make it goes and drives golf carts and just


follows you around oh wow and so you’re hitting in front of it’s honestly the most nervous it’s I honestly it’s more


nervous I was more nervous here than I was Bridgestone really I mean yeah I


mean now Richard you’re doing something I’m way more confident in but it’s look at these cards do you make these putts


these carts are everywhere and they’re and then of course it’s just you know you’re at a golf course so every these


dudes are loaded yeah and they’re just yelling they’re chirping there’s a lot of like you know I was like putting so I


play Whiting than my buddy why it played out of his mind he’s uh he just really he’s the only reason we were even in


this thing kind of bumped you there and oh well he was pumped and he he did great I had a great ship here uh but why


it was the reason we were in play and I mean this is carts dude I mean there’s


I have 50 carts just sit with people crazy and you’re you know and they’re like I had one putt there was a little


putt they’re like you gonna make that one they’re just yelling at you and you’re like I don’t know if I’m gonna make I I had a tap in putt that was two


inches and it was the most nervous putt I’ve had over anything when I played Pebble Beach I was more nervous over


this just because it was like it you’re like it would just be embarrassing to mess up uh so we finished second place


uh and it was it was very fun and it was a very they they do a great member


gesture I’m sure a lot of people there are golfers playing these and I think I mean every course their memory guess is


usually the funnest event uh and it’s uh you know and it depends on where you’re at they can just be I mean they can get


you know there’s another course that Wyatt remember out they said they did one and there was just a big fight like


I mean people you know it’s like any of these dudes are just they go out and just the people that drink they start


early and I mean it’s 8 A.M that’s what golf is all about I thought was about the drink it’s well I it’s people like


to play it but yeah a giant portion of it is the is the drinking and uh so


they’re they love it yeah like you know and then and you do something like this it’s like like their wives know like


it’s member get you know they make a big speech about it I’m sure it’s member guest you gotta it’s gonna be and they


know they’re gonna get there at eight seven a.m and they’re not gonna leave till 7 or 8 p.m and then they’re gonna


come home and you know it’s gonna be a problem like they’re these dudes it’s


just a bunch of old dudes that are getting after it uh but they were we loved it and everybody


was super cool and uh it was super fun and so uh we did that so the movie I


want to say because I know I feel like I’ve talked a lot uh so I watched uh uh Vertical Limit


you ever seen Vertical Limit no don’t know it never heard of it uh it’s got uh


those people in it so Chris O’Donnell’s in it Bill Paxton’s in it uh Robin


Tunney oh I’ve seen like you know them all yeah that main guy though yeah


yeah yeah which one some stuff which one Glenn he’s not the main he’s he is uh he’s one


of the I mean he’s a somewhat main guy Bill Paxton is probably I make Bill and Chris O’Donnell and uh are probably the


two big ones but they want to climb uh the K2 mountain which is like the crazy mountain and then they get most


difficult one on earth to climb when they say so he wants to go climb this mountain in the movie


uh it was like there’s just funny stuff in it uh like yeah I’ve talked about


that if I talk about when you write a TV show it’s like you gotta have conflict sure you know and so like that’s what if


you if you a movie or a TV show like if you go try to sell it to a network or somewhere they’re gonna be like where’s


the conflict and this was nothing but conflict it’s a it starts


with the hardest mountain ever to climb so there’s your first conflict yeah and then it’s like the second uh and then


the conflict after it was like too much so to start the movie uh the the girl Chris


O’Donnell and that Robin are uh Tooney are brother and sister their dad dies and uh so their dad dies in a climbing


accident with them so there’s your first conflict their dad’s gone so this shows into climbing yeah they’re well yeah


they’re both in to climbing they don’t talk that much the the uh Robin has become the best female climber in the


world and uh Chris O’Donnell is I forget what he is he’s like one thousandth journalists no he’s like a he’s I don’t


know what he is he’s like a journalist or something like that and uh but he’s in still climbing so then they randomly


are at K2 at the same time and so now they’re there and it’s like oh you know


I don’t want to tell you your sister’s down there and it’s like oh how’s she doing like and that’s all these mountain people that are like you know she’s


doing art they all just know each other and I guess they what she doing she’s the best in the world she’s the best in the world yeah she’s in she’s on the


cover supports Illustrated she was like doing all this stuff so then they go so uh they go down there and she’s climbing


Bill Paxton who’s a billionaire that wants to go up there he wants to climb K2 and he wants to push it to he doesn’t


care he’s going to get up to the mountain last time he tried they uh I


think people died and the weather became bad and so he couldn’t do it so this time he’s like well I’m gonna do it and


they’re like the weather looks good and all this stuff weather’s not good uh if you watch this movie because of how


relevant it is to everything that happened over the weekend no with Titanic yeah with the sun no no but


parallels are pretty pretty obvious oh it’s crazy yeah a billionaire who yeah that is true it goes down yeah I’ll tell


you what this that with the Titanic stuff I felt like I look there was a lot of jokes and stuff but you’re like I


didn’t really love all the jokes you’re like some memes and stuff and you’re like it’s as a society you want


to go you know dude like I mean they had no idea like one of these bad people


like everyone’s like happy there’s a lot of that like a lot of that where you’re like what’s wrong with you


like it’s sad I totally agree with you Dustin Nickerson had the best tweet I saw he said the reason that James


Cameron had to put up Leo DiCaprio a poor young kid in Titanic is because if


it wasn’t for that it would be a comedy just rich people dying on a ship yeah you got to put a poor person there for


people to care yeah which I thought was a good point yeah yeah it’s still like you know roof for it man like it’s


whatever like it’s it’s crazy uh what do you think really happened Dusty


so well I’ve not been able to keep up with it but I always think it probably just didn’t happen


oh yeah that’s what I always think yeah I didn’t I didn’t get to you know it’s hard to watch stuff when you got vertigo


and a baby I can’t be like hey keep the baby down I’m trying to watch a video on


the submarine yeah but that’s always my thought and also I thought you know what


maybe have NASA build you some submarines yeah it was just uh uh they’ve been down


a bunch can’t seem to figure out this water thing but we got space down pretty well let’s get NASA working on these


submarines it’s someone it’s it’s I think uh I think everybody like takes uh


like now with social media weirdly enough it’s like the people take things very lightly like


they like and this is my back to like how great life is right now even though the terrible things everybody thinks


like well you can’t die anymore like nothing’s going to happen to you like it life is amazing and like and they almost


so they’re like yeah we’ll just go down there and go see it and you’re like hey it’s uh nature and everything’s kind of


like yo we’re still like a problem and if you go I mean once you go down to a certain level like light is not down


there and then like you get so deep it’s like that submarine just goes and crumbles and so then the guy that’s


making the submarine like seems like there was problems there like that guy’s just trying to like make money I mean


they they don’t no one you can’t trust anybody wants to put in hard work and they just pick the and they and it’s


horrible but they got a guy that is running that thing that apparently did not want to work he doesn’t they don’t


want to work they don’t want to overly check everything they don’t want to be sick people are not serious about control operator to try that thing a


couple of times before you say


yeah but it was just a matter of time before so who were the people on the submarine maybe they were trying to kill


those people no well it’s that I mean it’s a billionaire so and his son I mean it costs like 150 250 Grand 250 250 000.


so I saw one thing Mr Beast said he was asked to go on it yeah yeah and then he didn’t but it’s like uh yeah I mean I


could luckily it’s like not luckily but like that’s something I would never be you’re in a just a two size of a minivan


almost smaller yeah and you’re just sitting in there and it’s eight hours down yeah I’m not into it and like that


would be a contest somehow you can go for free would you do it no no I couldn’t


actually if they’re giving it away I would need I don’t know if I would enjoy like seeing the pictures of it you’re


still seeing that Titanic through a window so it’s like what’s the


difference of me I would be more interested to like go down enough where you can’t see


sunlight like I think that would be kind of crazy just you didn’t do that yeah no I know pretty easily well I’m saying


like there’s stuff like that I would be more interested in like just being like let’s go down to like whatever the safest areas that’s like no sunlight and


I don’t know if I need to go down to the bottom of you know that stuff but most people want to see


things you want to see less you want to just well I’m just saying if you’ve seen it through a window and then like you’re just like stuff could go wrong there’s


like a National Geographic video where this guy talked about going way deep down and he was like they got so far


down that they were like underwater lakes and I don’t even know how that’s possible but he he did it was a National


Geographic thing where he talked about there being underwater Lakes wow it’s so


wild that’s why I’m like always like the ocean seems so much more interesting to


me than space I just don’t know why that’s not our main exploration


well I think we’re trying and then everyone laughs when he died trying yeah yeah so yeah they should I don’t think


it’s funny if people died but I always question every uh if if that even


yeah if there is an ocean uh exactly exactly


it’s been like an ocean you tell me Well if you’ve seen some of the Great Lakes you’re like wow is this the ocean yeah


or is this yeah uh so I did not do it because of that but so I was watching virtual limit like uh


I guess I don’t know if I’m gonna ruin it for this is a very old movie this came out yeah it’s 2000 and it’s like


I’m not there’s no you know this is not uh I’ve never even heard of this movie yeah this is not a movie that you’re


like it’s not six cents Oh I thought it was great yeah yeah this means this


increasingly the Rotten Tomato score means nothing to me yeah but the audience one is usually I don’t even


care about the audience yeah yeah I mean it was like have you ever filled


out a review on Rotten Tomatoes no well there you go it’s just like who’s who’s taking the time to yeah Donald really


had a moment but he’s kind of gone he did uh great so he so they go in uh right so like uh


there he wants to go climb up he’s using this person so then there’s that guy that you said is in other movies uh


Scott Glenn Scott Glenn so he’s like a guy that’s climbed the mountains forever and uh he’s been up there he’s lost all


his toes and he took the billionaire guy at the first time he took them up and


then so this billionaire guys goes up again and then that’s when he gets him to be like


like my sister’s up there we need you to go help us climb because we got to get there in 24 hours or they’re gonna die


because they’ve been there’s an avalanche and they got crammed under the average because there’s a storm because


when they’re climbing there’s a storm and then they go high school after hours I mean just like conflict conflict that


goes there’s a storm and then they go uh all right the guy goes well we’re just going to


keep going Bill Paxton the billionaire goes we’re just going to keep going and then the other guy’s like I mean it’s a


storm like it’s like it’s just over and then he talks them into it and then the


girl that’s the greatest climber ever is like I’m sure it’s fine like she doesn’t


you know her whole life is on the mountain yeah and you’re on the the craziest mountain ever and like that’s


like the most known thing that Storms Come and so they go they fight through


it uh uh if you’re looking at this picture a million bait BRAC back breaking Falls


those Falls where you got a rope just tied around you yeah I mean everybody fell like that three to four times I


mean your back would be shattered it would just be okay like you know uh so


ton of those Falls and then uh they go up uh they get they get that helicopter


I mean they everybody almost died uh there’s a there’s a war going on


between India and maybe Iran or some Pakistan Pakistan maybe and something so that war


is going on and that’s just kind of the backdrop is this mountain in that part of the country yeah okay the backdrop is


just like there’s a war going on between these countries and then the uh I think


the Indian dudes that were like ran the government were like oh well we have these like uh


explosives you can take and try to blow up the hole to get them out of the


Avalanche because they were buried underneath yeah so they take that up and then uh they realize well sun gets on


that and it makes it explode so then they gotta then they gotta put the they got to get it immediately in snow and


cool it down uh but I mean they all all of them explode there’s three of them and uh all but one explode the other two


just explode just on their own like randomly like they drop it’s a big thing


then the Avalanche comes uh it uh and I’m chilling off now oh then


I’m gonna climb the mountain so they finally get that guy to go that’s the big climber with no toes yeah they get


him to come climb and it’s a big deal that he’s because he’s done it that quickly before and uh so he’s going toes


because he’s lost his toes but he’s going to do it and then Chris O’Donnell is going up there they need his help


they’re trying to save his sister it’s always funny to me when there’s like because when you’re like you got this time strain in a movie but they still


have uh like they still gotta have like moments of like they’re just sitting there like hanging out laughing and


you’re like I mean wouldn’t you be I think the vibe would be pretty crazy yeah like there doesn’t feel like a


sense of urgency when the urgency is like we have 24 hours of their death right and uh gotta humanize them a


little bit Yeah and then so he’s climbing up they’re Crystal down on him or clowning of the rocks and then Chris


went on just I’m there on the side of a you know a two-mile Rock just nothing


beneath them and uh Christmas like he goes I don’t feel like you’re climbing for the right reasons he tells that guy


that he needs and he goes uh he goes if you got another agenda then maybe we don’t need


you to do this and you’re like the and the guy’s like you your sisters go die in 12 hours I’m having for the wrong


reason like he’s like I’ll just do it on my own and then he goes then he just gives him the things and he goes then go


do it you get 12 hours he’s like you know like you need him so then he agrees


to keep climbing so then there was that fight like it’s crazy that Chris O’Donnell’s mind would even go to his


sister he sounds like a journalist he’s trying to press his yeah he’s trying to help his sister and he’s just out of


nowhere just goes yeah you know what I don’t like this I mean like that I don’t


like the vibe I get him yeah the way you describe it though makes me see why I got 41 you’re describing it negatively


it was very fun though who was Robin in she was in 90210 I’m sure I don’t know I recognized her


she’s been a ton of stuff Dex so then when they’re in there dexa tear is like this whatever they take dexterra helps


them take a shot of Dexter I guess it’s like a steroid or something and it helps them if you do it and uh so not to get


it all away but they get that billionaire Bill Paxton he has dexterra they’re trapped what’s dexterra it’s


like I think a steroid I don’t even know but it’s like you take it in it okay helps you stay alive uh but he it could


not be real too uh but he the one there’s three of them trapped one guy’s


like looks like he’s dying so then Bill Paxton’s like well we don’t need to give him the deck star he’s gonna die but the


girl’s like no we’re gonna give it to him so they both take it and then Bill Paxton ends up killing him and then the


then you find out the old man uh his wife was killed by Bill Paxton the last


time they went because the decks this exact same thing is the exact same thing Bill Paxton has gone to the K2 mountain


twice and uh got in kill people both


times got himself in the exact same situation bow time got trapped had a


bunch of dexitar and then just immediately was like well none of y’all can have it because you’re basically


dying and then that uh and then the guy’s wife was no you know and then so


that’s that’s the movie I bet if people made it through that that’s pretty important


if people probably fast forwarded as I was doing this I was like ah this is not


making sense did they get to the top though they got to them they weren’t getting to the top they got to them and


they reached their vertical yeah yeah they reached yeah they go your past ever there’s a lot of that you’re past the


Vertical Limit so Vertical Limit is the past to the point where they said you’re not dying up there you’re already dead


that’s what the guy said okay so that everybody was already past the point of like don’t you like when they say the


title of a movie in a movie uh it’s fun for me I like it he goes you can’t he goes well it’s when it comes out of


nowhere yeah and you’re just like


and The Fugitive does it yeah well how does he do it well I just see companies we got ourselves a fugitive you know or


something like that and it’s fun yeah it’s a good one that’s a good one it’s like how you do it I think that was special is like uh I did full-time magic


and yelled at about clown are two that I say but after that I was like I don’t I didn’t think I wanted to do it like it


felt weird but I think it’d have to be it’s like how how it’s done it’s it’s a


tricky thing it has to be done in a way where you almost don’t even realize it was done you didn’t say hello world when you


started your special no I said I did say the Tennessee kid yeah


when I walked out like I’m the Tennessee kid uh all right all right look um


they constantly called I wrote all this down you took some real show notes yeah yeah man yeah they say the storm is


coming they go it’s coming and he goes we’re fine uh you know stuff like that I


like Bill Paxton uh rest in peace man yeah he was great he died huh he did yeah


oh he did oh that’s tough now he’s been in a lot of great movies Apollo 13. hmm


Tombstone oh all right we’re gonna read some of your comments what word well uh what do you got to do you climb a


mountain like that you make all those back-breaking Falls you’re gonna need a helix mattress that is true and and


thanks to our friends at Helix sleep for sponsoring this episode now I bought a


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sleep Starts Now boom right now uh maybe I need to watch a movie on the


K2 those climbing it is crazy see the movie Cliffhanger yeah I watched that not too long ago all right a lot of


mountain climbing movies you’re into uh just at the moment it was like just like uh you know the alpinest on Netflix you


should watch that yeah great yeah the first four or five minutes of Ace Ventura


um uh the second Ace Ventura yeah

Comment roundup


hello folks and hey bear 12 minutes in it’s clear this episode is going to be an Alzheimer bucket head has really


brought his stage slash podcast Persona to the next level fun time gentlemen


thanks for the laughs when I read this earlier I didn’t realize they were talking about Brian I thought that you


guys were mentioning the guitar player Buckethead oh there’s a yeah and I was like whoa what happened


we brought him on yeah he’s a real person what band does he into I don’t know if he’s in a band he checks Guns


and Roses guitarist Buckethead yeah I feel like he played with I don’t know I don’t know his whole history but


yeah buckethead’s a is it slash I don’t think it looks like he’s got long hair like slush but apparently very


good yeah uh Tyler Johnson in a span of 30 seconds Nate asked where they run the


Indianapolis 500 and said the races run through the city and said never mind it’s run on a square track


that is what keeps me coming back we’ll do a little circle of emotions there


uh Brandy sheckles Coy Brandy sheckles koi it was PF Flyers in The Sandlot


Aaron maybe Brad Pitt wore Chucks and Moneyball now I got these two shoes


pulled up tell me these don’t look similar that’s a PF Flyer that’s a Converse shoe almost the same shoe I


mean they’re built exactly the same with the rubber bottom and then uh Canvas OR


the PFI is like a cheaper version and I think there were the the premium oh really I mean in the movie they’re built


up to be this is a huge deal that he has these shoes yeah these are the fastest shoes in the world yeah and they look


exactly like Converses but they’re not but they’re not and I’m sorry about that yeah get it right


uh it’s embarrassing yeah uh Sarah Cranston I work at a specialty running


shoe store and I just have to say the book Born to Run made some good points


but it didn’t mention concrete at all we live in an industrial industrialized


nation good recovery yeah and people read that book read that book and went


out to buy those Five Finger shoes then injured themselves and there was a class action lawsuit if you’re hanging out on


the golf course all day wear whatever you want but if you’re hitting the pavement please have some cushion so


people were buying those Five Finger shoes and going and running on concrete mm-hmm


yeah yeah I mean there should be some you know some some laws in there for just people’s own


stupidity you know what I mean like you’re buying these and you’re like oh there’s not a lot of cushion I’m gonna go run on concrete and so they’d be


breaking the law they should not be allowed to sue oh yeah you know what I mean yeah yeah well I mean soon it’s


it’s like a fun thing uh what are you these golf shoes Nate five finger golf


shoes you think if I showed up on the course of these I think your swing they’d be like that makes sense


what kind of comments would they say at the membership yeah yeah if you showed up like that and was like a two


handicapped like then you’d be but yeah if you showed up like that and


you swung you’d be like we gotta we’re in for long uh Josh case well Nate was giving Mike a


hard time by the size of his shoes he said they cost more because they have to use a wheelbarrow to bring them into the


store I’m just curious how many of the band know that it’s actually Will Barrow


I did not is it that’s what I’ve always said is a wheelbarrow it is wheelbarrow I I got into this because a children’s


book had that in there like that and I had no idea I’ve always called it a wheelbarrow myself and it is a


wheelbarrow wow yeah I I never heard of that


but then you think why would it be called a wheelbarrow a barrel yeah I would think because it’s


like half of a barrel almost like you turn a barrel over cut it in half but I think a barrel I think of a wooden


barrel oh I think of a metal Barrel that you could burn yeah put a fire in oh I


think of the wooden Donkey Kong Barrel yeah oh yeah uh uh yeah I mean it’s like one that you


like do they just switch it to Barrel then just because you’re like we’re all doing that yeah look that’s just yeah is it you see if


you buy I’ve never heard that that’s unbelievable derivation of the Old English baru which


was a device used for carrying loads that makes sense you would say it that’s what I was taught growing up yeah


the rest of us have just heard old relatives say it over the years


yeah we dug into the etymology yeah so you’ve always said it the right way


rows I’ve always said it yeah it’s unreal I know unreal very educated


yeah it is a long line of Education a long line that’s how you get into it’s good we shouldn’t criticize Aaron for


being educated no that’s right I’m marveling at it take a submarine down sorry


uh Michael Caufield Michelle Michelle Caulfield my husband is a retired father


my husband is a retired fire captain all the guys in his cities Department have a saying for calling out sick


throwing a shoe what all the guys in his cities Department have a saying for calling out sick throwing a shoe it


originated from the fact that way back before motorized vehicles fire engines were wagons pulled by horses and when a


horse loses his shoe it can’t work until the shoe is replaced I like that yeah


the reason behind it old sayings like that are fun yeah


uh you know the reason of throwing a shoe you know this throwing a shoe saying no


I didn’t know oh okay well I thought that’s not real mad there


for Saturday it did sound like you were saying like you said when I said that now I know when it comes saying I like old sayings


yeah yeah I’m gonna throw in a shoe next week I don’t know if I can I can handle them but not back to back yeah not


wheelbarrow and then you also know throwing a shot well throwing a shoe I need one in between that seems like more


of an expression people that say will Barrel would know oh yeah that’s an old school like like Aaron’s family had cars


before everybody else yeah I mean he didn’t know PF Flyers and sand lots so


y’all probably never owned a donkey all horses yeah like you know


uh uh get that mule off our yard and then he’s saying next to this slave family uh


Amanda zerdier rap it’s a disirac


they say all three names for serial killers as a courtesy for people who have the same name I assume people


appreciate it if their name is the same as the killer still probably awkward for you Nate for your neighbors who don’t


know your middle name excited to see in Tampa in December and looking forward to Nate’s interpolation


of how my name is pronounced because I can’t even say it correctly that’s funny yeah interpret what do you say the word


interpretation Aaron’s sitting this one out interpretation there you go interpretation yeah yeah you know what


it is Aaron it’s killing you inside I was just in Tampa do you know there are chickens everywhere in that City oh


really just uh just on the street Ybor City yeah Ybor City just packs of chickens running around yeah it’s wild


and everybody acts like it’s normal it’s like this is not this is not going on in other places Key West it was like that


when I was there too what happened just I think they like Florida yeah they just let them roam there’s not a lot of coyotes down there


we need to introduce some coyotes and yeah there’s a lot of uh big snakes yeah


that’s true they’re not on the street thankfully Erica Zachary whiskey Zack whiskey


Zachary zacharisky I’m loving the throwing of the tennis balls after the wedding weird family


traditions are the best and they seem so normal to you but no one else gets it yeah my uncle my uncle heard about this


and he sent me some pictures to verify that this this happened so it’s like uh Hillary Clinton behind him


hanging out the tennis balls it does that’s this is a family friend Peters I think that’s who that is handing out


tennis balls we got them very uh Peters yeah Peters is his name what


plural yeah last name I’m guessing no that’s first name oh okay he played


football at Purdue actually what’s his last name that guy right there handing out the tennis balls oh really yeah all


right that’s my sister on the right you want him to throw a tennis ball like no he’s younger one football yeah yeah


Peters is his first time yeah it’s a family name and then there’s a picture of them actually getting getting pelted


here that’s your sister no my sister’s not in this picture but these are my cousins she’s wearing back yeah they’re


really getting hit with these things he says this is payback for he had played some pranks on his uh a couple of his


other sister’s weddings yeah and then this was getting back at him and then it just kept going yeah and it just became


a thing yeah and the way you would have a history like that the Webers have a


history what do you mean like a tradition like this is like it seems like you’re like an old saying


like the throwing a shoe is like that like it’s gonna be you know when people were eating encyclopedia about the


Weber’s yeah and it talks about your family how dominant y’all were and


just on the you know came from a lot big money right right stuff like that


yeah and then they’re gonna go and then now we all throw tennis balls and they go how did that get started and you go


well yeah you know the Weber family everybody goes of course


Donuts at his wedding so he’s taking a different directions I


think we just forgot about it maybe the next one [Laughter]


uh Adam cutipau cute cute pal Adam cute pal bird seed

Eating seagulls


Bates is not wrong it was tradition to throw rice at weddings but there was an urban legend that would kill birds if


they ate it they changed it to bird seed in the 80s after the Connecticut band throwing rice at weddings


do we know that’s an urban legend I looked on Snopes and they say it’s not true I don’t trust them I know you know


but yeah but it’s like yeah it makes sense though if the birds are eating the rice and then it get it swells up in


their stomach I don’t think it makes the birds explode but it could kill them well they tell you not to give seagulls


Alka-Seltzer right at the beach that’s one of the things they do it’s a


little different but who would you I think people were doing them I have heard that because if you can’t digest


it if you grow up Sailors that’s out at Sea would take Alka-Seltzer if they’re


starting to see they would throw it up and the vehicle comes in and snatches it dies and then you got some food in your


boat Oh I thought they were doing it just for entertainment no I think it’s a way to that’s good that there’s a purpose behind it oh okay yeah so don’t


do that I may have totally made that up but I feel like I’ve been just like oh man this fish must be giving these seagulls heartburn yeah you guys gotta


climb down the ladder hey hey what look at the sign what does it say


about Alka-Seltzer yeah


that’s crazy I never heard that at all you never heard about the rice or the alcohol the alcohol yeah enough that it


was like when you walked out to the beach they were like just ahead yeah oh the Gizmodo said they will not blow


up if they eat Alka-Seltzer but they might die it sounds like they’re encouraging us to go try it yeah who was


bringing a lot of popcorn I guess I’ll start throwing this Alka-Seltzer I think the


people that need Alka-Seltzer or they don’t have the freedom to be wasted I wouldn’t be wasting it yeah


do not give Peanut Butter to small birds man we’re finding out the hard way they


can’t eat a lot of stuff and at the end of it says I have not fed peanut butter to small birds so he


writes his thing and goes do not give Peanut Butter to small birds they can’t swallow it and it will harm them


I have not fed peanut butter for the record yeah I don’t know like I know a lot about this you’re like coincidence


okay guy that probably fed peanut butter to small birds like no one says no one at the end of it goes by the way I have


not yeah yeah you shouldn’t do it listen I’ve seen this stuff but it did not come from because I did not do it uh should


ask Greg Warren yeah to their meat eaters this guy says I’ve eaten seagull


once it was pretty good we caught a young one which lived outside the city and probably eaten most fish


oh so there’s there’s a big debate going on whether you should eat seagulls I personally I don’t think you should


but if you’re lost at sea this guy says the eggs of Seagulls are pretty good though


she had checked the local laws before Gathering yeah how do you go find these local laws for this stuff yeah where do


you go do you go into court you go to City Hall and you go so we’ll see


filling on the seagull eggs here yeah a few seagull eggs yeah do you just have a seagull section I just want to dig into


that can I go to your seagull section please and then you go over and you open a big book and it’s like no accessor it


doesn’t say anything about the eggs yeah there you go oh now what Nest is that you have in your front porch doves oh


Dove desk yeah they hatched grown grew up and flew away oh it’s amazing let’s


well I’ll watch these doves grow up they flew away and the next day I had a


baby oh wow yeah well that’s nice yeah yeah I hope they don’t come back


don’t let me do it I don’t know why I hope they don’t come back but the way you’ve said it yeah


a faux tennis ball Adam Josh Leach loot I delivered for doordash


last late last year I delivered Chick-fil-A to Michael Jordan oh wow he


lives here in South Florida and he ordered two spicy chicken sandwiches and a waffle fry the tip was not great but


it was pretty cool to see his house and the golf course that surrounds it that’s nice I think the problem is uh everybody


expects Michael Jordan’s gonna give a huge tip I don’t know what you’re going to give like you can’t you can’t be like


he’s gonna give you 100 bucks but I would I think it’s a I’d imagine if you’re Michael Jordan you got at least you need to at least go to the top yeah


I think you got to do more than that I know but that’s like a lot of extra like you gotta go type in ten dollars or


something but I mean how much you want to give for a you just give us 100 chicken sandwiches and a waffles so


that’s probably 11 15 that’s probably thirty dollars total with all the doordash fees and stuff no yeah dude it


adds up with no drink maybe 26 27 and then so


then what do you think he’s gonna give 20 bucks yeah if you’re Michael Jordan says 20 bucks someone gonna consider 20 bucks great like are they gonna be like


where’s Michael Jordan you should give me a thousand dollars like you know it’s like I guess you’re right I guess it would take a lot for somebody to be like


yeah it was it was a nice tip yeah tell us how much it was how much was that


well I think Josh tell us where his house no well yeah uh I think job but


Josh is saying like it was you know it’s like it is pretty cool to seize it like you see the right things that you’re


like yeah the tip might be great but like you know I delivered to Michael Jordan like that’s it’s like the story


was working you tell that story the rest of your life but why even include that the tip wasn’t great because we would


have asked because everybody’s gonna yeah immediately say what’d you get he’s like taking me two houses yeah yeah and


you go what but like you know I know he’s rich but it’s like for the rest of his life every time he orders food he’s


got to tip people 100 bucks now


you could end up being when you’re that no you have to tip billions more if


you’re you got tip 100 I mean I think you’re a billionaire yeah but it could uh


uh you got a tip uh a hundred percent of the whatever your thing is there’s a


point where you like I think you probably just give out hundreds maybe I just didn’t have good service


the way I read this as Josh did great yeah it could have showed up cold yeah he asked for three spicy chicken


sandwiches Josh wrote it of course he’s gonna act like he did great I think I’m on team Josh I was till Dusty made that


point now I’m on Team Jordan as a server you know I was always honest when people didn’t tip me well I gotta I would ask


myself was that service good I don’t think it wasn’t I don’t think he’s really saying he’s saying the tip was


not great like he’s saying it like you know uh how is the tip be like not great he was like whatever it was fine but I


gotta see his house and stuff that’s pretty cool like that’s how I’m reading with Josh she’s like he’s like he’s not mad that he’s not tipping no I’m joking


he should hand out some of his old shoes or something just out the door just yeah this guy had everything and he had an


opportunity to give me something and didn’t no because it would have been way more


about the tip because I because I’ve I’ve worked when I worked weighted tables a girl did that about a Cubs


player and she called in a radio like I saw people act like that oh yeah and they ain’t acting like they don’t sound


like Josh they they sound like he can you believe this kid like they you know people that are rooting for the Titanic


but Josh for a year or so well six months he


hasn’t said that we we’ve never talked about doordash till last week yeah we talked about famous people have to order your dash yeah rich people yeah all


right so that’s where it all came from but who knows uh


uh Sarah Taylor Brian I was at the that event at the Music City Center I felt terrible for you they had you go on at


the worst possible time we couldn’t hear you at all and we were all chatting with friends we had not seen in a year and


all so confused they should have had you go on during dinner I am so I’m so sorry


we felt terrible for you I got three or four comments people that were there


that were there hers was the nicest I like I like that she says uh I felt


terrible for you and then she said we were all chatting with friends yeah like not they were we were yeah yeah well


it’s like it’s a tough situation but they haven’t seen him in a year and they’re like oh I can’t wait to catch up with you and all this and then they do


the show like even the same like had you gone during dinner you don’t even want to go on during dinner but that would have been better than in this


rare case it would have yeah it really hurt that they had no idea that there’s gonna be entertainment and they’re just confused one person said they said was


that a youth pastor up there given a testimony yeah they just didn’t know what it was


the senior pastor here going up to the youth what does it mean I’m a youth it just means that’s supposed to overseas I


still don’t think you’re well you’re giving me a compliment then huh you’re paying me a compliment by calling me the


senior pastor I don’t think you’re in charge I think


you talk to the seniors yeah I think they’ve willed your group


out of the main church and now they they’re in another church I think it’s a youth pastor I don’t know if they’re


gonna have someone that you know their their grandfather I mean I miss this though what is there is there a way to


tell me what happened I did a show at the Music City Center corporate and they wanted to recreate a night at the Opry okay so they had a


country music singer he didn’t do it no I showed a video last week it was a Wednesday night at the operator yeah I


showed a video last week uh the tables were so far back and then there’s a giant dancing uh a floor in


the middle for them to dance on and yeah and it was just terrible step and apparently everyone said they could not


hear me at all I didn’t know that was an issue the worst part about those gigs is like when people in the audience


actually think that there was a chance that you could do well in that setting where they’re like what happened and


it’s like this was not set up all the comments I’ve seen from this it’s like they didn’t it’s like they were hanging


out and they look up and like is that Brian Bates out there talking that’s what it sounds like it’s like they weren’t even told hey there’s a show


starting this video is from the stage yeah I took that during sound check that’s how far oh my goodness yeah I’ve


done it I could have taken the same video during the show yeah shows the mess I mean that is it is


funny when you have to do a show and there’s and they’re so far away from you yeah that is always like kind of crazy


this looks like a casino in Sault Ste Marie Michigan there’s a dance floor in between you and the audience this could


be one where you go up there and you’re like I’m gonna sit down so you like I’m not a pro sit down comic like unless


you’re but like this one you could be like if you don’t want to walk out to the thing you could be like almost sit


down because it’s at least demanding something I guess I kind of


feel like so you could maybe sit down at least just be like just sit down and just maybe just eat a meal yeah and


demand like from there yeah yeah like you’re sitting down on a stool and I


think that’s like I don’t know I’m just I’m just trying to throw out like an idea like what you you’re just trying to eat how long were


you up there 20 minutes too long 20 minutes it was yeah it was a very long 20 minutes we’ve done two hours worth of


material on that 20 minutes I know and I said this last week when you do it and I don’t have many act outs


but when you do an act out or a voice or anything and nobody’s listening it’s really awkward yeah right it’s on the


floor for a minute doing John Chris materials yeah rolling around just yelling hey I uh foreign


considered joining rocket money that’s how bad I needed to oh did you really yeah it was that stressful I had to make


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1:22:22 one more time for everybody Nate


a big fan of them you know one thing I just say uh about the the member guest


tournament there’s one uh supposedly there’s I just heard someone say this there’s an older dude there and so he’s


watching like you know no one has to be out there like it’s like it’s not like it’s a requirement and this old guy like


I just like there’s a no when you get old like there’s a level just a guy he’s like all right he’s like that’s I said


speed it up and you’re like what you don’t have to be here like you’re not he’s not playing in it he’s not doing it


it’s such a funny like if you went to a movie and just said all right let’s wrap it up and you go what yeah you’re not


yeah the movies are like that level of uh yeah it’s like we’re enjoying


ourselves yeah if you’re not you can get up all right how long is this gonna go what go home yeah like what are you


talking about yo I need everything to be done uh Daryl


if Dusty lived in Australia he could not name his son Duke as we are Banning it


we are banned from naming our children after Royal titles so no Duke Duchess prince princess queen or King however


I worked with a woman born in another country whose legal name is Queenie


but who went by Queen for short and the name King Kingsley is legal and


you can drop the sleigh and call yourself King why would you drop the sleigh though you know kingslay


um well yeah well that’s why I that I like Duke right because it is like a royal kind of name and then his middle


name is Richard right that’s my middle name so do and then Richard is also like a you know an old British king so it’s


like Duke Richard I thought it would be great but I think you’re probably still switch it up he’s not probably is he


coming to a name yet well not yet no yeah that was a joke yeah Sam come on


right now he’s still yeah he’s just not responding yeah because the weekend we


have some wiggle room here but uh but you know we have like John Wayne was called The Duke and uh Dukes of Hazzard


so Duke has taken on more a different tone I like Sam a lot yeah I’m a big fan


yeah well this week we’re talking about names the history of names and how they originated and uh United States is one

Name laws


of the most lacks as far as walls on names but even the United States you there’s some names you can’t


give your children and king and queen are two of them oh really oh wow


um if you scroll down just a little bit there’s some legal baby names in the U.S um Santa Claus yeah


I didn’t yeah some bad words on this list too


um but the United States is one of the most Lacks once again name yourself three you can’t name them you’d probably


name it t-h-r-e-e different states have different rules Most states you can’t name your child a number in Illinois you


can name your child seven oh Seinfeld I think so yeah yeah that’s


fun yeah uh I don’t know if you can do with the numeral but you can write it out


so you can’t name your kid in some states you can’t name your kid Jesus Christ but you can name your kid Jesus


you just can’t have Christ in there I guess so oh interesting yeah yeah yeah Jesus Christ yeah so it’s kind of the


it’s a big part of it yeah it is for Jesus that last name yeah the last Parts yeah


Jesus Christopher I guess you could Christ for sure yeah


um you’re throwing a lot on that kid yes yes you know yeah so different countries have


different rules in Sweden you can’t call your John Metallica um and


but I mean there has to be these like where they go there was enough people


that they go all right yeah I’ll get into more into some of the some crazy rules so names originated


according to anthropologists this is isn’t the biblical account but according to anthropologists about 10 to 12 000 years ago there started being enough


people in the world where farming be started taking off and you had different people doing different


roles so you had to call and buy something like if you’re the Picker or what you


know you had to give them a name and up up until then there was no social need for a name up until this they’re saying


uh according to this yeah maybe you went what did you need your name you just go how you doing hey


that guy over there needs to like you would be in a town but there were never groups where you would need to


differentiate people I mean like a last name or a first first name


first we’ll get into that oh my first name to have a last name but otherwise it’s just the first name right but I


mean of course but okay [Laughter]


a slave but you gotta like differentiate people from me everybody can’t be like hey dude guy buddy


but if you where you would have names they had names like the Kings and stuff their names forever yeah but I mean 10


to 12 000 years ago that’s that’s a long time ago yeah yeah there were no people yeah


[Laughter] so in the United States that one time


the majority of names were biblical and is gradually decreased over time now


it’s the lowest the only baby name now for a boy that’s popular that’s biblical is Noah Noah is one of the most popular


baby names but I mean look at this table half of us are biblical


yeah Nathaniel yeah I don’t know if you knew that and Aaron Aaron and Brian right is Brian in the Biblical name no


there’s no Brian in the Bible dude can you imagine we wouldn’t be where we’re at if Jesus had to go what’s your name


Brian can you imagine Jesus meeting Brian is that one syllable


or two yeah Brian your name’s Brian yeah from


Lebanon dude the book of Brian if it was in the Bible just to be a book


uh maybe just about complaining and just


about like how hot it is and just you know


Brian yeah that would be funny yeah probably wouldn’t have made the Final Cut it’d be one of those hidden gospels


yeah when was the first bride being there with Enoch well most names like a stock name


they’re just like you know most names that we use now that came from Europe


was during the Middle Ages so where’d your name come from well I was about to


get get there so let me just go over Nate is uh it’s a Biblical name Nathaniel is one of the Jesus 12


Apostles they think he’s the same person as Bartholomew a name you can’t even say Arthur Malu I can’t say it it means god


is given or gift of God which I feel bad because all these years when you were telling me how you were God’s Gift of


Comedy I didn’t know you were saying that that was based on the Bible so I feel bad yeah


um Church tradition says Nathaniel Kerry a translation of Matthew’s gospel to Northern India and he was crucified


upside down in Albania so brutal did not end well it’s a tough end upside down


it’s just a little extra unfair it really hurts yeah Aaron had asked for it


so it doesn’t be like Jesus is that what a lot of them did that’s what Peter Peter did it yeah yeah


uh Aaron was Moses brother do you know that I did know that spoke for Moses Moses had a speech impediment yeah Moses


wasn’t a good speaker so he asked God and give him his brother Aaron to do the talking so it makes sense it means


exalted talks for others that’s what your name means yeah


yeah it means exalted or strong it can also mean teacher or mountain of strength yeah he goes they don’t he goes they


don’t know the words


can you pass me the wheelbarrow he goes I’m sorry [Laughter]


because obviously he’s over here Moses can’t get it out you know he’s like he’s just like


he goes hey how you doing Aaron uh can we get a


wheelbarrow Barrow I don’t even say it burrow Barrow Barrow


Dusty means brave Warrior Wow first became popular in the 1970s Dusty


Springfield a singer I had a new name I assumed that Dusty had no had no meaning


but um I couldn’t agree more yeah but it was a name for girls Bessie Springfield


was a woman and people started naming their daughters Dusty in the 70s Adam Levine named his daughter bestie in


  1. he goes either way yeah well that’s why you have the long hair yeah and then Brian means Debonair Charming


does it really or no no no let me guess what Brian means does it


mean Brian there’s no meaning there’s no meaning you know what’s uh where’s the word


Brian come from it comes from Brian it says you know him when you see it yeah yeah you just know what Brian it means


it’s an Irish name means higher Noble has two syllables so answers that question that’s always been confusing to


me well we talked about it on here yeah I know did uh is it is any name mean anything bad like everybody’s name is


always like if high and Noble like or it’s all these things if it is I think it’s just because of a story like in the


Bible and pilot or or oh yeah the surname Brian can also sometimes be a


French surname which is derived from the old akitan word meaning maggot all right


don’t need to look that up they go but don’t worry it’s only if it’s spelled b-r-a-n


well I was gonna say it says there’s more Bryans in the US than Bri and interesting there you go you got some uh


some stick out yeah uh Pilots that’s that’s tough that that’s a good name


that would have been a good name yeah I bet pilot would be popular you don’t know about any Pilots I don’t


know single one yeah a human being named pilot I’ve never heard of that yeah


[Laughter] p-dog yeah punches was like that sounds


like it’s backwards yeah pilot I guess that could be a good first name


pilot yeah if you have a boy pilot baits yeah pilot sleigh yeah that would be good any


name would slay sounds good yeah I agree it does I agree so uh Junior and senior there’s a

Jr./Sr. and lineage


etiquette to when you’re supposed to use that or the second or the third things like that uh if if your name is identical first


middle last name then you’re supposed to do junior oh okay if it’s a little different or if you


were named after your grandfather or Uncle then you’re supposed to be the second or the third if you’re not the direct next one in line okay so you can


skip it and then pick it back up yeah if you were named after your grandfather you’d still be the second


but you’re not Junior and you’re dead correct your dad could be whatever yeah and then yeah I don’t know that feels


weird it does like if you did that I know but it feels like I mean you just


took over the I don’t know if this is true so my my


brother’s the fourth my dad’s the third but it’s I somebody said at one point when so it’s


it’s a function of who’s living at the moment so if like the first two die


then my brother’s now the second and my dad’s the first really yeah for legally


like my brother’s a junior now technically yeah I don’t like that is that true I don’t like that because it


you know as you build it up it seems like now we’ve come from a long line but each time they die we’re like back to


square one I’ve never heard that I like that oh well who knows that’s just somebody said that to us yes well Aaron


and then folk tennis balls at each other so yeah I take it all with a grain of salt you know I don’t know if it’s


legally like Barack Obama’s dad was Barack Hussein Obama so so Barack Obama


should have been Junior but instead he was the second most people don’t know that but he was uh his


name was Brock who’s singing Obama II but it should have been Junior um and back when kids often died in


birth a lot of parents renamed their second child same name so running back


they did Salvador Dali had a brother who died named Salvador Salvador Beethoven


had a brother Van Gogh that’s when you just love the name you’re like no no this name sticks yes yeah at what point


do you go let’s try a different name maybe the third time yeah second time worked really well for these


enjoy your work done I mean it worked unbelievable and George Foreman just doesn’t care he mixes all up he has five Sons named


George wow George Junior George the six do you know that no that was crazy all


his kids are named boys how does he identify them do you know I think about sounds


he says it a little differently for each one no he goes like one comes to that the other one and then that’s like the


second one he calls him yeah I mean I think he got some like George Junior was the first


and the third I think he just does whatever uh Native Americans wait and see the


child and then something maybe that happened to them uh is how they earned their name and their names change over


time I wanted to do change it I want to give it some time yeah you could have I did wait a little


bit I waited till it was born so often it looks like a Sam it’s the


first thing the mother sees after the child’s born that’s how they have their first name but then if they do something accomplish something in life it can


change the name so the name dancing win sounds beautiful but that really means uh it’s an image


of a tornado means they’re volatile or have an angry disposition oh and you don’t mess with a dancing win


yeah and you think you’d be like oh brought home the dancing imagine a girl’s name I


don’t know but uh you go me my girlfriend dancing win


yeah yeah you got just a guy like a guy that’s not Native American has no idea yeah a Brian the red flags are Brian


brings home a dancer her name’s dance and win she’s real fun and you’re like she’s about to rip this house apart dude


the name bear is common in Native Americans like John is for us but if you’re in a wounded bear that means


you’re suffering you’ve got something going on in your life and like wounded yeah but they but they


call you just bears not necessarily physical I think I only had wounded bear or I can’t think of another example yeah


I guess I don’t know if it was just bear it also be in a different language that would well that’s true


wounded wounded wounded bear but they their tradition is Inspire


individuals to strive to be better or to heal or to evolve and then you earn a more prestigious name oh so then you


change it to like you know Hill bigger or big bear or Big Bear mountain bear


yeah Brave bear dancing bear so like some of these names from these famous neighbors Sitting Bull that


actually means slow um slow and he never made it past that I


guess not that guy was like the real deal right well he was famous for I guess a fight with with uh American settlers yeah


um Battle of Little Bighorn yeah yeah it was a big fight yeah uh


Standing Rock it’s where he died 1890. Sitting Bull that at Standing Rock


about that Geronimo means the one who yawns I wonder if he was like yeah I wonder if


he was like I don’t like this they go where are we fighting you go Standing Rock he goes what because my


name’s Sitting Bull why’d we go just go to something else because I don’t like it was just where the fight’s gonna be


standing Rocky because I know but it’s like so close right all right he goes I’ll get over I’ll be


over in a couple days slow he goes all right he’s tall every time he talked to him


it’s like he’s getting up yeah all right I’m coming


and then uh and around the Middle Ages this is when surnames became a thing



you know what surname is uh your first name last name


very close yeah there became so many people that they had to start giving you a second name because there were too


many johns or whatever so last names are basically based off of four groups either your father


where you live your occupation or a nickname so I’ll give example of


each do you know some your father John’s son


you would be Johnson or Robinson or Richardson or in your case you would be Nate Stevenson oh yeah so Anderson


there’s we get it uh Mac if the max in front of it like McDonald or McGregor


Mac means son of fits means enough so Fitzgerald Fitzsimmons that means you were the son


of those people o means like O’Neill O’Brien means grandson of


and occasionally a woman Madison means uh Maddie’s son Maddie’s son yeah but


it’s but like they do that to be like we gotta we got to meet John’s all right John Johnson let’s go what’s next you’re


John you’re Johnson too yeah John Johnson yeah and then they just give everybody the exact same names again


yeah and eventually I mean because that would just keep your last name would be changed every time eventually they’re


just like no we just got to come up with a name last name and keep it for tax purposes and things like that


imagine picking your own last night like when you know but it changes over time like our names


was spelled with a p at one point p-a-a-r G paragazi yeah par


gets you I think z i it’s been spelled a few different ways okay and you just


stuck with this one I mean that’s one we’re at now so it could change it could


change Harper could take it a different direction you could do her own thing so well I mean she’s but I mean she gets


married then she’ll won’t have the name she’ll keep her she’ll keep her yeah it’ll be up to her I’m Gonna Keep it by


then it might be keep might be doing that that’d be nice I mean she changed my name to Bob Ripple pants yeah yeah


uh location last names would be like Underwood Hill


or sometimes just like you if your last name’s York just where you live yeah that sounds like a way to insult people


that’s Brian under bridge over there yeah yeah you’re like oh who has that family


ocular side of the Tim other side of the tracks over there you go what that’s a


weird less thing uh occupation last names would be like Baker Smith Smith is the most biggest


one right Smith is the biggest one so if you’re a blacksmith blacksmith iron Smith there’s a lot of Smiths back then


yeah Marie Smith you know that’s where that came from Miller farmer Shepherd


Shoemaker oh oh that one’s pretty on the nose huh


yeah what do you do it’s in the name Buddy yeah you’re not


you’re not good enough to be a cobbler but it’s called the Shoemaker I’m a maker of shoes yeah he’s a joke maker


and then nicknames is a description of that person so long short


Martin Short rich little little Stern if you were Stern Howard Stern do little


it’s not a good one but yeah we know Doolittle or if you’re black white uh green blue those were some


description of you usually your hair color not your skin color but obviously green or blue might be your eye color


so if your last name’s that’s because somebody and your ancestors there were two Johns and one of them was John black


and one of them was John like red would be a more common name then uh yeah I don’t know if I was there a


blue is the last name blue oh yeah


blue was a baseball player uh rest in peace there’s uh


who is there’s green the Green’s a common name yeah


and then yeah Mean Joe Green yeah there is there a red or no well I mean no one


had it probably no one had an eye color red but yeah white one had hair color red right yeah maroon I know some Reds


but it’s with two D’s uh yeah sure that’s true yeah uh


gold too is that probably where gold comes from Golden I guess so maybe the hair color are they yeah


uh wow and then orange it wasn’t until recently that orange and


red were different colors I think I think did we talk about this


on the podcast once I don’t remember this this is why because I wondered why people with orange hair were called


redheads uh so it wasn’t until recently that we had different terms for red and


orange they were just kind of all lumped into one color okay and then the fruit was actually named first orange and then


they started calling that color orange wow said it but it was all lumped into red so we were already down the name


path probably before orange yeah yeah it really came around purple


now there are some Violet there’s some biblical characters that that meet all these descriptions at


least in the New Testament Jesus was often called Jesus of Nazareth because Jesus was a very common name in his time


Mary Nashua right Joshua wasn’t that his name Yeshua yeah Mary Magdalene there’s


a ton of Mary’s in the Bible Mary that’s where she lived Judas Iscariot that’s he lived there then there was Simon the


leper and Simon the Tanner one’s a job one’s a condition


that’s a bad name to stick with so I’m in the left but like you get over leprosy like you get cured you’re still


just called the leper yeah he’s in the Bible forever Jesus went to his house and hung out with Simon the leper John


the Baptist he baptized people so that’s a way to distinguish the difference let’s go uh Brian arthritis


Brian the arthriter yeah um the drugstore called Nate yeah and


they’re running out of you yeah so I looked at our names I would have made fun of myself there but I actually have


a joke so I had to switch it over to you that’s the reason for the 154 episodes for that


specific one was I have a new I have a bit in your act about it yeah yeah but


it’s not it wouldn’t have been it’s not that it’s it’s somewhat and uh I just


couldn’t make it about me because I got to protect the act so took care of you know just went closest


so I looked at our names and kind of where they originated from although you’ve already shot yours down if it was originally a p

Our family name origins


ee no I don’t know I mean they’re all variations because most names you think of didn’t you couldn’t see how they


would fit any of those characters and baits I still don’t really know but


um a weaver is another popular last name based on occupation if you were a weaver


about the time but in German they called it Weber right and we talked about this a few episodes ago how it changed but


um your ancestors were probably Weavers basket Weavers yeah yeah


making a few wheelbarrows maybe oh that’s why maybe you say it yeah you have because you would you have to


Family Trade yeah it had basket yeah type wheelbarrows yeah I mean you saw


that basket with the tennis balls yeah yeah very good basket we were that’s what we did this is what you like weaving that’s what the Webers do yeah


that’s cool we put baskets together and then slay was an implement used in


weaving to push the thread through so your ancestors probably worked with he used to work work foreign


well that’s why you split up yeah you went down though you know if you


look at where you’re both at now it’s like perfect sense where it goes your family went down to questioning a lot of


things yeah not trusting the kingdom that you were under and yeah and then your family balled into it and uh let’s


end up Notre Dame so yeah big business you’re you’re both it’s makes complete


sense yeah yeah that when we look now to go yeah you’re barely hanging on and obviously thriving yeah


you know that’s how I would say you have copper under the ground yeah uh obviously yeah the they flew a


helicopter today the uh the old spellings that I’ve seen as they go back


into England they would spell it s-l-e-i-g-h yeah as you go back like a


slow like uh yeah like Santa Claus yeah and you couldn’t name your kid Santa Claus it’s illegal and maybe the sleigh


was made out of uh basket weaving material I wonder if so you slay because maybe you do come from money and then


you know somewhere along the line and win another route I mean and then once you all ended up the weapons and the slaves were Partners there’s a chance


you know and so and yours was spelled s-l-e-i-g-h like a sleigh which I would


be like wow that’s something that’s fancy yeah so the slave family goes something goes wrong probably with the


probably with the Weaver family the Weber family probably like something happened slaves go yeah slaves go down a


path end up kind of trailers and they go and it makes sense then when you’re in


the trailer you go well we can’t be you look ridiculous to be like you know the president’s probably named slay with EIG


and you’re like we gotta we look stupid so they go let’s just say a y yeah and


then the band Slayer was out so you saw that I imagine this is around that time yeah


and then you go ay and then here we are now but now we’re on the grind we are


the slave family is right you’re headed back up you’re still writing your family store it’s going back up but you’re not


gonna know about it it’s gonna be off the grid because that’s where they made the mistake was they got you know you let the we pulled into the mainstream


well until you posted your address for all the world yeah well that’s just a you know that’s that’s the that’s a


little that’s a hiccup yeah yeah that’s not the real address that’s yeah that’s where we spend some time oh yeah yeah yeah yeah they don’t know we don’t live


they don’t yeah spend some time yeah I like it building back up and then bargatzi is a location name


meaning by the Town Gate or The Keeper of the bar gate I didn’t know that the


gatekeeper yeah the gate am I I’m the gatekeeper yeah or I’m not sure what a


bar gate is but maybe they had a gate to go to the bar you keep it yeah you’re a bouncer yeah I standing there and they


go you’re not allowed in I like that like a defensive man like a defensive man I am yeah yeah so I was a defensive


man yeah this troubles should be named after me yeah you’re like my family is


known for defending that’s one of our main things was just going you’re not allowed into town yeah who’s the bar


gate is that guy what was it the bar gate and the keeper of the gate keeper of the


gate yeah Keeper of the bar gate or someone who lived by the Town Gate yeah I was just right there could have just


been a poor bag just a homeless guy outside of a bar yeah yeah yeah I’d imagine the uh the nice houses weren’t


by the gate I think about Frank Costanza when he went to Tuscany yeah he was at a Centric fellow yeah some people come to


village idiot yeah you’re like I still think we’re related yeah yeah I haven’t given like I mean every doorbell knock


on the gate I got it my family’s got to get up hello and we gotta meet him yeah


well what about Bates Bates was the hardest one uh uh to find


really any origination from uh one thing I said red said it originated from the


name Bartholomew so much yeah yeah


uh but I really couldn’t find much my name was just boring top to bottom


now do you know anything about your family history going back a long time I mean I know Bates originated from Ireland and Scotland okay but beyond


that did anyone in your family have an identity with like being Irish or Scottish you know if you didn’t care


about it at all Nate’s joked that my family’s live in Lebanon since the beginning yeah and before Lebanon was


made dude he was born wherever wherever his family started was Lebanon I did it just stayed in Lebanon


the whole time it never you know it never goes off every now and again it gets on the one side of 109 then it goes


right back to the other side West Wilson County for supplies oh we got a little movement here


you’re near the Davis County border Dixon for a couple days he goes what


happened here even I started in Donaldson and just kind of worked my way west did my toe in Davidson County yeah

Icelandic names and International name laws


so in Iceland uh they don’t really have traditional last names if you’re uh if


you have a boy it’s going to be your dad’s first name with son on the end if it’s a girl it’s gonna be your dad’s


first name with daughter on the end d-o-t-t-i-r so everyone’s last name ends


in son or daughter and their dad’s first son yeah wow


Jurgen Dorter yeah what are some examples of those names


though with the daughter name we’re all familiar with Bill Tom daughter


well like the example uh they gave this guy’s names Eagle this


is and he named his daughter Helga so her name’s Helga doctor Angel doctor that’s just an example they


got a good that’s uh what’s a famous that’s fun isn’t there a famous singer from Iceland York yeah New York see what her last


real last name is oh it’s a girl


oh yeah there it is oh yeah once and daughter oh geez yeah well okay


it was like uh yeah Bjork yeah yeah is


that where you go read the name there you don’t look at the very top will you look at just the breakdown on the right okay but you didn’t when you go to


Wikipedia the name and bold at the top I think I kind of lost it in the shuffle


there’s a lot going on in that first sentence but it’s dark it’s very dark it’s bolded it’s yeah it’s bolded yeah


it’s so hard I thought we were looking there you could go to that my instinct


is to just let’s cut to the chase let’s hop over to the right that’s got a breakdown of all the important


information it’s gonna have a date of birth you’re just doing her name but I thought we might we’re gonna Riff on it


a little bit right I think we might we might but I think we I mean this first sentence on here this


looks like how normal sentences look to you I think just just um


different different symbols they do bj3 and you’re like well what’s that


what are you threw a number in there there is a three in there it is yeah why


would you put a 3 in but her last name is guamond sadata


let’s pray yeah you already know who her dad is yeah and she’s uh


yeah spouses Eldon but then also uh it seems like she


was with uh Matthew Barney for a while and so that’s uh that’s tough yeah you know


it’s like oh this is my uh wife Bjork and his dad is Gunner yeah


yeah Dad’s name is guamondor Gunnerson his name is Gunner Gunner dortcher he


was a leader of the Icelandic electricians union all right oh wow her


grandfather’s name is Gunner right yeah yeah no we can just keep going you can just go all the way back yeah that’s fun


yeah so in Iceland they have a naming committee you can’t just name your child whatever you got to go through this naming committee so uh a lot of stuff to


keep track of man look at this word look at that uh what is going on with that dude


shuffling It’s the weird a e letter there it’s


they just start mushing letters together because the words are too long oh with a cross on it I’ve never seen that in my


life I go push these A’s and E’s In yeah this word’s getting a little longer


s-j-a-l-f but it’s not just an a it’s an a with an accent on it oh uh a uh


s-j-a-o what happens when you click on that a uh F I’m scared to yeah you’re


probably a virus oh it’s an independent independence party in in Iceland and


they’re like why are we not taking off you’re like I got an idea uh maybe because we got a Niner in there




crazy language in Iceland you can’t name your child something with the letter c because


there is no C in their alphabet oh that’s why they have to spell these words so crazily because they’re trying


to get around not using a c even though they’re called Iceland but they spell it like we do Island


um do you just go just put the see you know


you know what we’re doing so I guess it’s their thing they’re not out of ice there either is there now


it’s beautiful uh yeah it was like Greenland is like a lot of ice yeah I always heard that but I always heard


yeah I just heard that that could not be true um so they have the I’ve been to


Greenland there was a lot it was dark the whole time yeah not a lot of green there’s all ice but it was it was


completely dark because it was the whole time I was there 24 hours wow couldn’t see anything you walked around


you had to watch polar bears because they’re 12 round night wow


did you do shows there how’d they go uh it was good it was like a base up there and then uh it’s a very important base


like they’re they’re your first line of defense of like if there’s a nuclear


attack or something like that like the first thing that right from Russia because it’s kind of between us and


Russia right wow you know it is where it is


but if you look at it right here here’s Russia yeah here’s the United States yeah it’s kind of between Canada and


Russia here yeah at the uh Arctic yeah yeah and uh it’s uh yeah but it’s like


there’s a there’s a thing so uh my joke to him is like you’re like kind of green


and I’m like what losers they got up here and you’re like that’s the most important people yeah oh okay sorry


and that was fun so yeah so they have a naming Committee in Iceland they have basically three


rules the name cannot cause harm uh or any trouble or harm to the child


an example is if you want to name your kid Satan you can’t do it that’s a good call


that’s I feel like what if your name rhymes with something you know that you can get bullied with you should conclude


that as well I mean if it’s going to cause harm to the kid where do you draw the line I think Satan’s a good place


Yeah well yeah I’m not saying I object’s a good lying to the wrong yeah yeah


yeah uh second rule is boys must be named boy names and girls must be named girl names you got to be able to tell


the gender by its name if they want to name their daughter Alex she can’t do it


or Jesse or anything yes I guess so


and then the third one I already mentioned the name must follow Icelandic grammar rules and alliteration


uh so if you want to name your daughter Camilla you’d have to do it with a K because


there is no c in there this is making a lot of sense you’re on board with it aren’t you yeah


I mean it makes a lot of sense like let’s keep it clear yeah clear with a k


uh uh and you have six months to name your child there after that you’re fined for not registering a name because it’s a


big process you gotta go through this naming committee and they have to approve it um uh in Norway and Denmark you’re


required to pick from an approved list of names fired failure to get prior approval for


unlisted name results in fines and uh the the child’s name will be forcibly


changed later this is the kind of fun stuff you can do when there’s 500 people in your country you know what I mean when you don’t have a real country you


can do fun stuff like this yes


yeah I’m just saying you can’t Implement something like this in the United States how many people live in Iceland


30 40. less than a million it would be tough to do that’s for sure in America to be like I mean we got a lot of names


here we got some wild names Iceland population is


370 000. I mean it’s less than Nashville so yeah you can have a fun naming


committee yeah do stuff like that I’m not saying it’s wrong no it’s good you can’t scale I like that they’re doing it


yeah you can’t say like especially I like if you’re that small of a place that you’re keeping that kind of like uh


identity of your yeah I like oh you’ll get you’ll get swept up and forget oh yeah yeah


France the same thing France gotta be a boy’s name girl’s name he’s gotta be clear a woman


trying to name her daughter Liam and they went there oh daughter oh yeah oh yeah yeah


uh in Portugal you can’t name your child Tomas or anything like that it’s got to


be because you can’t shorten it are you kidding your child Tomas but you can’t call him Tom you’ve got to go by the


name okay so you’d have to be Nathaniel they’ve banned shortening versions of names so you can still call them Tom


yeah I guess you just can’t but like you’re talking about Hank and Henry you have to name your kid Henry and yeah oh


yeah yeah even though it’s not that much shorter yeah not really the same name


either no it’s one of those weird ones yeah yeah Bob and Robert that always got them yeah where’s the B come from right


from Robert yeah but the Robert starts with an R dude but there’s a video there


is another B but there’s two B’s and Bob yeah they had to get it from somewhere else they borrowed it yeah like bobish


Bob is short for Bobby Bob is short for Robert but it shouldn’t be though that’s what I’m saying it’s


short for Bob oh okay bird is short for Robert oh yeah I wonder if that got confused


Bert kreischer’s name is Albert yeah yeah I read somewhere uh that’s a different


person though man a Robert and Albert or yeah there’s two different people


well I know but like he wears two shirts yeah yeah yeah yeah Ripley’s Believe It or Not said the


first uh last name ever was cats like Louie cats oh really yeah


k-a-t-z yeah I guess that’s a rabbi name or something like that in in Jewish


custom so they said it was the first surname ever um in the United States you don’t have


to name your child right away you got to have it on the birth certificate but if you don’t know when you’re leaving the hospital those right baby boy or baby


girl and it says a lot of hospitals will threaten you by saying you’ve got to


have this before you can leave the hospital but that’s not true and some parents wait a while to even


name their child I don’t know if you guys familiar with the Olympic ski or peekaboo Street


no one they took some time on that one huh that seems like they had a gun to


their head well I remember she was an Olympic skier back in


what 80 98 Olympics yeah and um she was originally named baby girl


and then about when she was six months old they you would she liked to play peekaboo that’s obvious but they also


went to a Mexico vacation and the place was called peekaboo so they named her peekaboo Street


all right peek-a-boo good thing they took time with that one yeah yeah maybe that that’s like almost uh


your the the lesson is don’t you don’t actually don’t take too much


don’t overthink it yeah yeah but you know it’s a different name


many Spanish-speaking countries have two last names and I thought of your name


that peekaboo like look at where she ended up I wonder if that stuff like does me


you’re just different you’re just because your name’s different so you got to come at everything with like a little more it’s like my name’s peekaboo oh is


it like you’re just gonna it’s like Boy Named Sue it’s the whole premise of that song oh really yeah you know that song


the Johnny Cash yeah yeah I don’t know what where I don’t know the words he’s named Sue when he’s a boy he’s mad his


whole life and then at the end he finally he’s trying to find his father who named him this to get back at him and then he meets his father and his


father says I gave you this name so that you would grow up to be tough because you’d have to fight yeah and defend


yourself because I was yeah because I’m gonna abandon you yeah yeah I’ll be gone so he’s like thanks


well at the end he said if I ever have a boy I’m gonna name him or George anything but Sue oh yeah yeah yeah yeah


uh Spanish countries often have two surnames your father’s last name and then your mother’s last name and then


when you get married uh you keep your uh if it’s a woman you


keep your uh father’s surname and then your husband’s last name like Angela


Johnson Reyes yeah um oh okay I didn’t know that yeah well that’s


why we’re here Aaron for you to learn something I learned a lot man yeah I didn’t know this in Greece um if a man like Giannis does he have


two daughters yeah so depending on if it’s a male or female different last names so it would be Papas it would be


his child’s name if it was a boy but if it was a girl it would be Papa Lou


um where’s the loo come from just I don’t know you know how like Spanish l or law


depending on masculine or feminine well they have kind of similar they change the ending of the name based on


masculine or feminine oh interesting all right yeah I’m starting to check out a


little bit so I just think the audience might be okay we’re doing I mean we’re not it’s not your fault thank you that


last one I was like kind of I thought you might be interested because you have a friend whose daughter I did I think


I’ve just hit a time limit where my I’m zoned out all right no but I’m back in there now all right so the most common


last name in the world anybody know uh Simpson


oh I want to say it’s Muhammad Muhammad’s most common first name last name patelli


is it Patel let’s go Hotel it’s good it’s a good guess uh it must be a Chinese name Park


ooh like Li e it’s good because uh Wang wow I think


all of y’all just got cancer all we’re going at everything it was


none of that was good the real answer was not good at a bad accent


there’s a lot of wings out there boys I’ve been there zone out because next week I’ll be alone


I guess when the uh Chinese dynasty fell I say I guess like I just this is what I


said and I read this in 206 BC many families adopted the last name Wang to


hide their true identities to avoid being assassinated by the rulers of China okay so that’s why there’s you don’t


have a Patel must rank very high Patel’s got to be up there sure it’s up there but yeah I don’t I don’t have it uh


Devonshire Patel the most common she’s a comic we started together she’s a writer now oh okay the most common first name


in the world is Maria most common first name in America James


uh oh really is it James I think John


John was third uh second bill William Robert Robert


oh it snuck in there Robertson County


yep that’s right good uh good job Davidson he’s back baby Davidson he’s


back baby um let’s do another hour so there’s two major league baseball teams that allow


names on the back of their jerseys as of 2023 I think this changes um there’s only two


um that don’t allow no no I’m sorry maybe not allowed that that do not allow yeah I’m sorry Red Sox and Yankees


correct yeah there’s three college football teams Notre Dame’s one of them


uh the Navy I don’t think so okay I can’t think of the other I think it changes some Penn


State and USC oh I can see that but Notre Dame allows for the bowl game they put the names on yeah


so uh that’s who you recovery for for Nate and I we have our own problems


during Derek Mason’s very first football game is coach at Vanderbilt they played temple on ESPN and they put the name


acre down on the back of their Jersey it didn’t get NCAA approval so they got


penalized one time out per quarter because it was a a jersey that wasn’t official do you remember this


yeah we got trapped it was not uh well Temple was good that


year right weren’t they no yeah I think we should be Tipple was better than they


was they were but it just started off like it just was not a good start and


then it was like Mason had trouble obviously from that get-go I’m always you just get blown up we’re like all


right we’re gonna start with a win we’ll love it and then just and like not even barely lose just get it wasn’t a game


yeah I might have been at that game I don’t I remember watching it I was at it yeah yeah I think you were


still in New York at the time right yeah maybe um because there was a long weather delay yeah for it was a terrible


terrible start but In fairness to Vanderbilt they did provide an email that showed the NCAA


approved it so I think they got their timeouts back after the game yeah after the games yeah


they got the next game y’all can use whatever time together we get two extra demo okay yeah yeah uh the most famous


name on XFL Jersey he hate me he hate me yeah I hate me I went to Western Kentucky with him he hated me I thought


she hate me no that’s he hate me he hate me he uh have I talked about it before who hates you yeah um yeah he missed the


team he’s playing their opponents are gonna hate him because he’s going to dominate okay play the Western Kentucky whenever by a semester I was there he


went by that then no he went by his real name but he was a big star football she hate me that’s


where you got that it’s pretty good everybody still knows it I mean it’s as it’s probably it goes XFL and then he


hate me or literally probably the two things I’m in the Rock now yeah but it’s like that’s how it was like the first


game it was televised everybody was curious to see what would happen and he’s out there and then after that


ratings dropped and it you know it was gone soon but and then Ellie and I there was a

Do names influence your life?


Harvard study about names and do they matter and depending on your profession depending on your name supposedly your


profession will change if you have certain common names you’ll be more like to be a doctor or if it’s an unusual


name you’ll be more likely to be a garbage man and if we share the initial with the name of a hurricane we’ll be more likely


to donate to the relief fund it’s called implicit egotism effect we’re generally drawn to the things that


people that most resemble us because we have value our own names and initials we prefer things that have something in


common with us I really dodged the bullet huh but my initials are DRS uh it seems very


doctor oriented yeah yeah no one’s going to let a doctor Dusty cut them off


that’s true that is true you would I would have to be Dr Dusty Dustin you got to be Dustin and Dr slay doesn’t sound


too good it’s not good now yeah who’s my guy Dusty slay Dr Slayer butcher maybe


yeah yeah you’re like well I’d like him to bring his uh license in his doctor


license yeah you would have to show all your credentials I’d have to roll around with the credentials yeah just have them


here there’s my medical degree yeah you’d spend most of your life proving who you are yeah


all right all right that’s it uh uh I I don’t know I think we’re here next week

Where we’re at this week


so I’ll be here next week I’m kind of off right now Australia coming out there so go check


that out and then all of September instead all going to Alaska State Fair pumped about that nice and then uh a


bunch of uh other dates September I’m off this weekend but this coming Tuesday I’m throwing out the first pitch


the Nashville Sounds games yeah all right I’ve been training 16 to 18 hours a day yeah so look at those arms I’m


gonna be there I’ve yet actually I’ve yet to throw baseball in in years but I’m gonna try this way you better get on


it don’t mess this up all right yeah all right all right do you have a glove yeah do you have your glove with you okay I


got a ball and a glove in the car all right good throw after this all right yeah warm up a little bit all right Bristol Tennessee the birthplace of


country music I will be at the Blue Ridge Comedy Club July 7th and 8th come


on out all right I’m still off uh you know could be working though tending to the baby but uh it could be working


starting July 14th and 15th I’ll be at the Albany Funny Bone and then I’m back


I mean every week after that it is Go Time so yeah you could work right now I


could work right now right now right now it’s not like you’re you’re choosing not to worry matter of fact I had to cancel


a gig I I kept one on the calendar for for Oregon I was gonna go do a festival


out there and then the baby came and it was just like it was too much so I had to cancel it but just to let people know


also let the baby know you’re dead work yeah I’m a worker yeah second half of the year is going to be hot yeah it is


gonna be hot yeah get ready all right all right uh have a great uh


uh it’s not Fourth of July it will be though it will be uh are we gonna be here next week we’re


doing the best of all right we’re doing the best of next week so uh a lot of uh we got a lot of new fans lately and they


always ask what’s a good episode to watch you know to kind of get a feel and this is gonna be the best of the first


three years of Nate land so yeah this is a good one to watch just to learn about all the inside jokes and fun moments


love it all right uh all right enjoy that happy Fourth of July merry Fourth


of July uh uh as always we love you see you next time bye


[Music] [Applause]


nateland is produced by Night land Productions and by me Nate bargetzi and my wife Laura on the audio boom platform


recording and editing for the show was done by Generations Media thanks for


tuning in be sure to catch us next week on the nateland podcast [Music]